Thursday, July 6, 2017

Phenol (Carbolic Acid)

Phenol, also known as carbolic acid, is an aromatic organic compound with the molecular formula C6H5OH. It is a white crystallinesolid that is volatile. The molecule consists of a phenyl group (−C6H5) bonded to a hydroxyl group (−OH). It is mildly acidic and requires careful handling due to its propensity to cause chemical burns.
Phenol was first extracted from coal tar, but today is produced on a large scale (about 7 billion kg/year) from petroleum. It is an important industrial commodity as a precursor to many materials and useful compounds.[7] It is primarily used to synthesize plasticsand related materials. Phenol and its chemical derivatives are essential for production of polycarbonatesepoxiesBakelitenylondetergentsherbicides such as phenoxy herbicides, and numerous pharmaceutical drugs


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